
Legal Consumer Advocates where formed to help victims of medical devices and pharmacy drugs get better service by the law firms. Not all law firms do a certain medical device or drug and Legal consumer advocates will only guide you to the law firm that is working with the drug or medical device in question.
Legal consumer advocates makes sure of these things before you call the law firm we recommend.

  • The Law Firm should have a free case review for all our clients
  • The Law Firm should work on no more then 40% contingency fee
  • The Law Firm should not ask for any money from the client until the client get his/her settlement
  • The Law Firm should work directly on the given medical device or drug and have clients already in the space
  • The Law Firm should be personable and understanding of the clients needs.
  • The Law Firm should be working with other Law Firms to settle the cases together
  • The Law Firm should always be able to give the client an update on their case.
We make sure that all these criteria are meet before we recommend the Law Firm to our clients. Law Firms cannot pay us to recommend their firm, we will approach the Law firm if we feel like they are the right fit for a given litigation.
When you call us 1-888-427-9696 you will be directly connected to the recommended Law Firm we have chosen best for your case.
We hope that this will help you as we know you have already suffered and we want you to get your case into the right law firm.
We Wish You A Fast Settlement on your injuries
Legal Consumer Advocates
